Wingfoil School Madagascar, Sakalava Bay
.Wingfoil is the latest watersport that is accessible to everyone. It involves gliding on the water using a board, a foil, and a wing.
Ocean Lodge is the first wing center in Madagascar
Wing foiling for discovering new sensations
Ocean Lodge is the first Wingfoil school in Madagascar.
Wingfoiling has been gaining popularity since the 2020s.
The sensation of flying over the water is truly here.
We offer Wingfoil lessons to make you independent by the end of the course.
Wingfoiling is a new sport that provides the sensation of flying above the water. It's perfect for beginners. Our team offers Wingfoil lessons that will allow you to start using a paddleboard to get acquainted with sail handling, then progress to the foil and mini-wing for ultimate gliding sensations.
The wingfoil, an innovative sport, provides you with the unique sensation of flying above the crystal-clear waters of Madagascar, particularly in the stunning Sakalava Bay. Perfect for beginners, our dedicated team offers specially designed wingfoil lessons to gently introduce you to this experience. You will start with a paddleboard to become acquainted with the sail, then progress to the foil and mini-wing for moments of ultimate gliding in the enchanting setting of Madagascar and the splendor of Sakalava Bay.

Wingfoil Lessons
1 HOUR 55 €
6 HOUR 320 €
10 HOUR 500 €
The course fee includes the complete equipment
From initiation to improvement
Equipment tailored to your level and conditions
You progress at your own pace for more enjoyment and safety
The proximity of your instructor and communication via walkie-talkie
Learning by following your progress due to the small number of students

Wingfoil Rental
The rental price includes the complete equipment
Assistance with equipment preparation
Wing sizes from 2.4 to 8 m2
Boards ranging from 85 to 145 liters
Foils ranging from 980 to 1500
Wingfoil rental for 1 hour: 35 €
Wingfoil rental for 1 hour + assistance: 45 €
Wingfoil rental pack for 10 hours: 300 €
Windsurf rental pack for 10 hours + assistance: 400 €